Saturday, October 20, 2012

In the Media

  The show Surivior, is a reality show that has been on since 2000. It consists of sixteen competitors of all different nationalities, of both male and female. They are on a secluded island for 39 days, where they have challenges and must fight for their survival in the game. The ultimate prize is to win 1 million dollars and the struggle to get to the end is both demanding and competitive. 
  In this episode, I noticed evident discrimination against women in competitions and even at their camp grounds. Men exclude girls left and right on this show, and in this particular episode, the men dominate their tribe and say to one of the other competitors which is a woman that she cannot compete in it because the men do not believe that she is physically fit enough. They have not even let this girl compete in previous competitions at all whatsoever, so they are basically judging on the fact that she is a girl and believe that is is not capable of the tasks asked of her. Why not give her a chance? Obviously the men do not think that she is even worthy of that..

Click here for the episode!

Friday, October 5, 2012

What women had to deal with...

decided to take it back, and look at what women had to deal with and go through during the 19th century, just to be able to get their thought on paper. 
"Women had been made to feel that they were inferior by nature "...

     There were many great writers which were men that composed some of the world's greatest literature pieces. This article I read showed how women prospered in writing  and it really shows how Austen and Emily Dickinson were looked at with confusion, because critics didn't think that women had it in them to write at such a high literacy level. Many people looked down upon the feminist movement, and thought that women in literature expressed to much awareness. 

      Women began writing, which was always thought to be the "men's job". From the male-oriented society in which they lived, women decided to compose plays, poems, adventure and romance novels. As time progressed, feminists had advanced in confronting male dominance,  which lead to the overthrow of prejudices of men against women.

    I believe women encountered a lot, and if it weren't for those who decided to step up and take action against sexism, we would not be where we are today. Yes, people continue to be biased throughout the world, and I plan to focus from here on out on different countries regarding feminism.