Friday, September 28, 2012

What about socially?

Article: "In Today's Society, Women are ALMOST equal to Men"

..Well at least we're getting there! In reading this article, there were many cases in which how women are still not 100 % equal to men, although I found one particular scenario extremely interesting, and thought I would share it!
There was a situation in where a women had gone to court because of a rape case. She was asked what was she wearing, like that mattered. I understand dressing in certain ways may give off a certain vibe, or send a certain message, but the way a women dresses is her own decision, it's not like she's holding up a sign saying that because of what she is wearing it's okay to commit this disgusting crime. Many took offence when this question was brought up and I am one of them. I felt numerous emotions while reading this and it's disturbing to think about. No matter the circumstances  no one has a right to harass someone else, no matter what the circumstance.
This basically meant that women continue to get discriminated against. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Are females equal to men economically? Nope!

I previously read an article on how women are still not being paid as much as men. How pathetic.

"The men were earning 15 to 40 percent more. “My heart jerked as if an electric jolt had coursed through my body,” she wrote in her 2012 memoir, Grace and Grit: My Fight for Equal Pay and Fairness at Goodyear and Beyond

      Lilly Ledbetter said this statement in an interview which was recorded in 1998. She explains how she was never treated properly, and finally came to the realization that she was indeed getting paid less. 
       Even after President Kennedy passed the Equal Pay Act in 1963, which banned“..discrimination on account of sex in the payment of wages by employers engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce.” Still, even after that, women continued to earn only 80 % of what men did only 3 months later, although both working the same job. 

A decade later, statistics show that women are only receiving 77% of what men earned in 2010. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Feminism in Politics

Even though the US is known as a fair, free country, still there are male and female tensions regarding equality. Whether it be through businesses or politics, women of all ages still have it harder, regardless of our freedoms. After Sarah Palin's running for office, men concluded that women are weak, and foolish for trying to run for such high, political careers.

Palin's perseverance and courage truly helped her through the process, although she did not turn out to be our first female Vice President. From watching her experiences I believe that women today have more of a drive to prove themselves.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Why Feminism?

Feminism is the philosophy that men and women should be politically, economically and socially equal. 

I chose the topic of Feminism to discuss, because although women rights have already come so far,  females in the United States continue to fight for their place in society along the side of men. Females are viewed inferior to males still, in both relationships and politics. Why? Because simply women were and are thought to be nurturing and submissive.  

Women across the world today are being treated as property  to men and they do not think twice, which is, in my opinion sickening.  Although the United States is a free country, I want to investigate if women from other countries who have migrated over, are still being dominated by men and if so, where. And, what still has to be done for women to be treated with equality.