Friday, September 14, 2012

Feminism in Politics

Even though the US is known as a fair, free country, still there are male and female tensions regarding equality. Whether it be through businesses or politics, women of all ages still have it harder, regardless of our freedoms. After Sarah Palin's running for office, men concluded that women are weak, and foolish for trying to run for such high, political careers.

Palin's perseverance and courage truly helped her through the process, although she did not turn out to be our first female Vice President. From watching her experiences I believe that women today have more of a drive to prove themselves.


  1. I liked your post and how you focused your topic of feminism in a very male dominant area, politics. Choosing Sarah Palin as your focus point was a good idea because at the time of her running she was definitely a very ambitious woman and a great example of a powerful female. Going to an all girl high school we become feminists in our own way. Now creating your blog about this topic will definitely keep my interest. Good job!

  2. I love your blog Dom! I think you are right their is so much tension between male and females regarding equality and Sarah Palin is the perfect example. She was looked at as a joke by some people in politics just because she is a woman. I think she really stood up for all of us females when she just kept fighting. Do you think someday our world will overcome their view upon females? or will there always be that tension?

  3. Honestly, I think women will always have to prove themselves, until something happens at least, in where a women is elected into politics. But then again, this is only in the US, worldwide women are still looked at as property in places such as India, Iraq and Pakistan. For women to be equal in every country may not even happen..
